Finally getting to be summer. It’s so beautiful these days. All the flowers are starting to bloom.


The garlic is ready to pick, we just have to let the soil dry out for another day. It’s been so awfully wet.

Garlic for harvest


I trimmed all yellowing and dead leaves from the lower half of the tomato plants. It was a little more than garden housekeeping, it was to keep them healthy. Green tomatoes are starting to get fat!


I’m using some in a dish I am making tonight for friends, from my new book Tomatoes. Green Tomato and Pork Tenderloin Biscuit Pie. I’m practicing to make it because it’s one of the dishes including in my cooking classes and it will be served at my Tomato Dinner at Legume Restaurant.


You make it in a big black skillet. Which is waiting for me to get started.


I also made the first batch of Grandma Rubin’s Dill Pickles, ready for the Pickling class for Slow Food Pittsburgh that I do every year.

Here they are in the crock, all covered up and brining.


Here’s my latest column, all about blueberries and other delicious things to cook and eat.

Blueberry Days