december lane 06 pastel


The title of this pastel by my husband David is December Lane. Now that it’s frozen January  it seems too long ago when there was any color to record. This is what our lane looks like now, from a slightly different angle.


Winter lane, 2013

Yes, it’s as cold and icy as it looks. Yes, it seems to be in black-and-white. Which is why I’m inside, thinking about which types of onions plants to order. I always plant sweet white onions, yellow keepers, and red onions. My friend who is ordering them puts hers in according to the full moon in May. I plant these slender shoots much earlier, in  March and April, as soon as the soil has dried a bit and is workable. And looks like this. (Yes, color returns.)

starting to plant


I’m also looking at the glossy catalogues that fill our mailbox at this time of year, and thinking, musing and dreaming about tomatoes. My book, Tomatoes comes out in March. I’m so thrilled.


So in very early spring, it will be time to start tomato seedlings. Soon, our laundry room-greenhouse will be filled with the smell of promise and these little plants.

Tomato Seedlings

I can’t wait.

